Thursday, 5 May 2011

Prime evil

There are many gender representation of gender portrayed in this episode of prime evil. These were shown through many aspects in the clip such as through editing, camera shots, sound and mise-en-scene.

The camera shots show many representation of gender some are stereotypical and some that challenge stereotypes, this is first shown through a wide long shot when abby dressed in a very masculine clothing for example the leather jacket and short blond hair yet still looking attractive,while driving the big digger suggest power and she appears well in control of the machine since it is in the forest in a rough area. This is used to challenge the stereotypes of women of being passive and week. the shot vividly explained that through this shot as it presented the women and being strong active showing the power and control she has.this than lead on to show through the camera that she is save's the man when the tiger attacks the him through the digger, it also challenges the stereotypes of women.

Through the camera shot and angles we see the stereotypes being challenged once again, when the  middle class women was overpowering the working class man.
There are some stereotypes shown in the clip via the women shown in the barn she is dressed in an evening dress looking attractive,and speak in an elegant way, This clearly presents a the middle class women through her beauty and sexuality.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

smart targets

* Use appropriate terminology
* Do practise essays
*Work more on the portfolio eg the website by the end of april get all work done 

Thursday, 24 March 2011

On thursday's lesson we had been watching the tv drama 'LIFE ON MARS'  in the lesson a few time and focuse on one type of representation in the drama. we had been purticularly focusing on periode although there are many other represantation shown through this pirticualer show.

one of the way representation of periode shown on life on mars was through the mise-en-scene. the show had started of with a modern style setting, with the wide shot of a bridge and buldings, which reprsented that  this is shot at the present time. Than moving on from that shot there was  close up of the main chartcter that was laying side ways on the road suggested that there had been a accident, most likely invloving a car as there was a car in the background when it showed a close up of the man and between that there were 3 more shot that kept moving closer to the charecter each time. this gave a an idea that the incedent had realated to the car, also suggested that there is going to be a shift in time becouse the car was quite old,i think this was purposely shown through this show to give idea to the audence.

The second shot that suggested that there was a shift on time was the through the costume,  as the costume had changed when the charcter woke up it look as if it was from the 70's with brown blazer, a bright shirt with fleried out trousers, the mise- en-scene agian suggested a time shift was that the car on the background had changed to a very old one and also the setting where the character got up, the location had changed from the brigde and big bulding to it was very dull place that was isolated with broken dumbed buldings shows an time era had changed. the narative suggested that the place was the same but a at a diffrent time, this is than clearly shown through the narative again when the man runs out of the place an we notice a billboard with a picture of the same setting that the show had started of with(the bridge and the buildings) stating "COMEING SOON". giving a vived picture that there has been a travel back in time (period).

The sounds also show the represtation of period as the music that had been played non-diageticaly at first when there was a 360 curculer shot of the charcter, the music that played was life on mars that suggested the time shift, through the lyrics and the beat as it seemed it was music from the 70's and this was reasured when the non-diagetic sound that turned into diegetic as the charcter move to the car and it showed as it was being played on the radio in the car.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A producer

a producer's job is very intesnive, they are the root of the films they make, the whole prossess usualy begians and end with the producer. this will usally begian with a writer approches the producer in some way, than the story or an idea is developed between the writer and the peoduccer the producer than takes a bussness aproch and fixes a budget for the project he is to make. after the buget is set the director is signed up by the producer. after this procces the charcters are chosen and signed up.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

representation of social class


In the lesson today we were focusing on the social class and how it is represented via the media.

we had been given a clip to watch of Cranford and had to analysis it

the clip had started of with a wide shot in the woods with a small cottage shown on the side and a few characters that appeared to be working class or even underclass, this was shown through the behaviour and the clothes that were worn by the characters. the second shot than was also a wide of the cottage and a working class women running into the cottage, this shot showed that the house was small and it looked filthy. there was not much non diegetic sound in the clip, there were only dialogs. when the women has entered the mise-en-scene of the cottage was very dark and bland with not many props around, they were just some basics such as tables and chairs suggesting the statues of the owner of the house was working class, inside the house there was 3 characters shown on-screen, the working class women that the house belonged to and anther that had come over and anther that was more like young maid of the house that was constantly shown working. the other two other women were shown with a close up when they were admiring the lace and as one spoke about the lace are the kind that are belonged to upper class women.
the clip also gives a stereotype of the working class characteristics, as being irresponsible and the narrative of the camera showed that when the cat swallowed the most precious lace meant for the women.
 the exterior shot of the working class women and the middle class women that was carried by the men clearly defined the difference in the social statues. the conversation that took place between the working class women and the middle class lady that was carried in the carry box, did not address the working class women by their names although the working class women did when speaking to he middle class women.
there was also a anther representation shown in the clip was that when the two well dressed men were shown in a wide long shot showing there statues by the way they speak the tone and how they beahave.  

Thursday, 27 January 2011

thursday 27th janurary

In the lesson today we was tought by Miss Ashton. The lesson was about representation in tv drama.
 we learnt what representation is, it is a prsentation of a certian group or individuals in the society that is than presented via the media. as a class we was to focuse on represntation of gender in the media, to do so we had to watch eastender's, life on mars and tipping the velvet.  All of the tv drama we had been shown had a represntation of  of sterotypical gender representation

 we also learnt new media terms to be used when analysing tv drama.

IDEOLOGIES: a set of belifes, norms and values that are dominating an alternative.

STEROTYPES: media institutions use sterotypes becouse the audence would instantly understand them. think them as sterotypes as a visual shortcut, as they are repeated so often we see them as mormel or true.

ARCHITYPES:  A ultimate sterotypes for example, blonde bimbo

CONTENET STEROTYPES: a sterotypes that are chalanged

 MEN were seen dominating, powerful, tough and this was reflected in the drama life on mars and on the other two we had watched, eastenders, tipping the velvet. they all lead a stroytypes of gender as men were controling over women, they were given more pirorty.

WOMEN have a sterotype of being sexualy sabmissive, emotional, sabordentant to men, a good physic and look attractive etc. they were also refelcted in both the tv darms, life on mars this was wen the police women was neglected and didnt say anything although she was onscrean where the men were in the front and the women was shown at the background and looked less in control alsthough she was in a uniform of a police. there was a steroytpe in eastedenders aswell of womne  to be well presented, have the perfect size wheras the men looked scruffy and strong.

Although eastender's and life on mars had sterotypes on gender, tipping the velvet had diffrent representation of gender and it didnt have a sterotypes, infact it had conter sterotypes which chalanges the norms and the society views of a ceratin group and traditions. we are able to identfy this in the tv drama, tipping the velvet, women are dressed as men, have short hair and have a big role to play which chalanges the sterotypical image of women, although the domenating role of men is still practiced in the episode, this was explained when the man walked through the party with the both women either side and the posture of the man and the actions he took gave an image of dominataion over the women, and also when anather man came over spoke about the wmen in front of them but without haveing direct conversation to the women but to the man they were with this gives an impresion that the two women are owned by the man.

during the lesson we also were given a task to analyse a script from THE BOAT THAT ROCKED.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


 we have spend many weeks editing our movie. we had firstly started the editing procces spliting up as individuals and editing the movie in the way each of us wanted to, which took as about 2 weeks to do so.
when we had finaly done that we as a group me latasha and loren cameback to eachother to evaluvate each of the edits and than combigning all the good bits of it togather as one movie this was quite easy and conveinte for us to do that as we agreed in this togather and so there was less conflict. we have recently finshed the final editing and it looks great and we are all very confident about it. the next step would be the sound editing.
The filmimg procces

we had started filming on sunday the 5th of december.
our location of the movie was at the cheswick park during mid day we did succesed to do so and the shoot started off as expected and was completed within two and a half hours smoothly although the the weather was not how we imagend it to be as we wanted it to be dusk or foggy to build a diffrent atmosepher and feel to the movie but i hope that could be done through the editeing procces. it was great experince filming  and useing the knowlegde learnt from the media lessons was a huge help for us as we applied it to the filming such as the use of camera , the angles and postions that could be used to create the film we want. the charcters that we used fo r the shooting were great to work with and it was alot of fun   

verbal languge of 5 days


there is a varity of verbal language used by the chracters in the episode of 5 DAYS 

The first one is used during the flight the verbal lanuguage was a voice of screan of the captian of the plain  states to ajust belt seats due to landing which was a diagetic sound.

verbal language was used to connect to shots toagther and to introsuce a new charicter this was when the the working class mother of three asked her own mother for the time it connected to a new shot where a women is shown answering the question the time date in a very diffrent situation introduces a women that seems like a journalist as she states that she doesn't have any news for to day and if there is it will be informed.

Connecting shots were used many times during this episodes through verbal language for example when the mother is in the car with her childern and the topic turns to flowers, the mother states " we know who like his flowers" as soon as this has been said the shot jumps to a old man watering flowers this suggest that  he is theone that loves flowers. 

like this there were many other verbal language that lead a narrtive thoughout the episode and this is used frequantily and in very intresting ways.

The language that genrely  used in the drama was an britesh london accent. there are many types of lanuguge  used by diffrent people like the women that had just landed from the plan was on the phone probably to a friend as she had used slang when she said the work offer she has recived  was offering her 47K.

Analysis of tv drama

Byker Grove is  30 minute long british tv drama featured on BBC. This is a light childerns drama amied at teenager's set in a school. we had only watched  the beginning 5 minutes of  the episode in class the opening  demontrate the show is quite fast and upbeat.the episodeintroduces chracters in a very entertianing way, this is done through verbal language, it starts with a charecter talking and before the sentence finishies the shot changes to anather shot with a new chracter finishing of the sentence from the last shot  this carries on for a few shot and in every shot new chracters are introduced and this is done through editeing. I found this very intresting and entertianing  this is also shows that byker grove has a strong element in the show of verbal language  like most tv dramas have. There are also many aural language used in this show many were diagetic such as the diologes but it also had element of non- diagetic sound and this was purticularly shown when the oriantial music was played on the background when the little boy looked over the writen language shown onscrean of the poster of the karte club this also estblishes the target audence of the show due to the many hints are given to the audence as young audence are seen as passive rather than active thinkers.


white girl is a one of film episode showed on the BBC aswell. this is a very diffrent type of tv drama to byker grove as, it is easly recogniable in the beginning few minutes, it seems to be a very serious and a dramatic drama rovolving around social issues.The opening of the this drama show was foucsing to much on revealing the main charecter from a far distence a girl is vagueily seen on a small bike and aproches the screan when the figure of the girl is now vivedly seen as she passes the frame onscrean. this also indecates that it is a film show. the setting and the props on this show the staues of the white girl, the small bike the  small flat with so many members in the familyand the clothes worn by the charecters  were looked quite cheap and normel this is also established by the car that the family traveled looked quite old which indecated  that the family was from the working class.

the drama had diagetic and non diagetic sound in this episode one of the non diegetic sound that was heard waswhen the family ran away from the man and there was a upbeat song playing to show the feeling and  mood of the scene it gave a feeling of freedom although it was not heard by the chracters.


the bill is a police drama and this is shown through out the show because of the costumes and the chracters used in the show as children are not seen onscrean it is mostly middle age peaple in uniform discusing a crime in a confrence room. the target audence for this type of show would be mainly the middle and older generation that would watch a drama for a purpose and get a message.the verbal languge used by the chracter is quite formel  intense  also the verbal language is more dominating a visual language is also used in this episode to show the feeling and expresion of the chracters.
I am sorry sir for not coming to you after school was because couldnt stay  at school to do the work as i didn't have my notes to do my work with and also because the 6th form center computers were not working and the library computers were all booked. i did come to your room to tell you but i didn't find you so therfore came home and i will reasure you  that my blog will be upto date today.

im very sorry once agian sir.

there are many diffrent types of  british tv drama shown

continuing drama
promotion of real life

In the first lesson of tv drama in class we was introduced to many new vocabulary used  to analyses media content in the tv drama these were.

A  shape structure fo the text often linked to narativ structalist thearist. Tordorou argues that all stories in tha media content have a same basic structure such as the length of the episode.

a distictive look of the media text. apiticular tv drama often displayed on individual style which can be identified by spicific choices in techniquial codes.

  this is a french word that means a "sort" or "kind" which is used in grouping programes which may have simmeler form/structure or a partern of elements eg police drama.

The characteristics and the ingredents of a piticuliar genra and that make the drama regogniseable maybe shown by the language theme or form.

 this was the techniqual areas of the content  shown onscrean such as the camra, lighting, mise en scene and this clrealy interlock between the non verbal language shown. it includes semiotics a thory and the study of signs and symbols, especially as elements of language or other systems of communication, and comprising semantics, syntactics, and pragmatics.
The verbal language is a prior to the sturcture of the tv drama and it is often the vehicale for carrying  a narrative to what is shown to the audence onscrean. This is also used to target  the prefrence audence of the tv drama.

 this is any media text featured in writen form presented onscrean, it help the audence identify the genra and target audence of the drama.

The non verbal language is convayed through gesture pose, stance and mannerism this also includes the two and the three dimentional space.

AURIAL LANGUAGE: A verbal language or text that make the sound mix. this may include atmosphere tracks, voice oversincedential music. all these sounds come in two diffrent forms, diagetic and non diegetic.
Diagetic sound are, which can be heard by the chracters in the drama eg: diologes
Non-diagetic sounds: are sound that can not be heard by the chracters onscrean eg: background music, voice overs.

 these were some of the many new and intersting things we have learnt about media through the lesson so where now we are easly able to recognise these in media content that we are shown.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


psycho is a psychological thriler movie

this movie was realised  in the 1960's directed  by alferd hetchcock and writen by joesph stefano. the movie was played by anthony perkiens, janet leigh and vere miles.

the flim psycho is very succesful movie made a great blockbuster and still talked about although this movie is appealing to everyone but the target audence for this movie would be the young adult probably from the age of 15+ the movie is mainly amied at this age and above because of the genre, as its a pschlogical thriller. also the casting that is been used in the movie like anthony perkiens, janet leigh and vere miles. they also set a target audence as they will  be attracting young women and men as these actors like anthony perkiens was adored by women in the 1960's.

This movie starts of with a very slow claim piano tune wil its show variouse differnet shots of the house from the profile shot of the wall hangings, to the wide shot of the bedroom.than anthony perkins is showen when the volume of the music decreases and than gardualy the voice over of anthony perkins this is heard and caried on throughout the whole opening. while he performed his daily routines from the morning while he explains what and why they are done. during this time veriouse of shot have be used and the mos interesting on was, when his reflection of his face is shown in paintin hanging while he is in the toilet.this shot is helpful for the audence to understand  character as this help to show that film is not as simple as it may seem.The
character is understood that thier is something diffrent about him this is even showen through the voiceover when he speaks out about his daily rutain and as a man takeing so much care of himself and using so much products it isnt quit normel.this is shown piticularly in the last shot when Anthony Perkins speaks saying that he may seem as normel to anyone but he just is'nt, the way he looks to be. while he is taking his mask this shows he is reavleing himself verbaly via the voiceover and his action of removing his face mask
and showin who he is.