Byker Grove is 30 minute long british tv drama featured on BBC. This is a light childerns drama amied at teenager's set in a school. we had only watched the beginning 5 minutes of the episode in class the opening demontrate the show is quite fast and upbeat.the episodeintroduces chracters in a very entertianing way, this is done through verbal language, it starts with a charecter talking and before the sentence finishies the shot changes to anather shot with a new chracter finishing of the sentence from the last shot this carries on for a few shot and in every shot new chracters are introduced and this is done through editeing. I found this very intresting and entertianing this is also shows that byker grove has a strong element in the show of verbal language like most tv dramas have. There are also many aural language used in this show many were diagetic such as the diologes but it also had element of non- diagetic sound and this was purticularly shown when the oriantial music was played on the background when the little boy looked over the writen language shown onscrean of the poster of the karte club this also estblishes the target audence of the show due to the many hints are given to the audence as young audence are seen as passive rather than active thinkers.
white girl is a one of film episode showed on the BBC aswell. this is a very diffrent type of tv drama to byker grove as, it is easly recogniable in the beginning few minutes, it seems to be a very serious and a dramatic drama rovolving around social issues.The opening of the this drama show was foucsing to much on revealing the main charecter from a far distence a girl is vagueily seen on a small bike and aproches the screan when the figure of the girl is now vivedly seen as she passes the frame onscrean. this also indecates that it is a film show. the setting and the props on this show the staues of the white girl, the small bike the small flat with so many members in the familyand the clothes worn by the charecters were looked quite cheap and normel this is also established by the car that the family traveled looked quite old which indecated that the family was from the working class.
the drama had diagetic and non diagetic sound in this episode one of the non diegetic sound that was heard waswhen the family ran away from the man and there was a upbeat song playing to show the feeling and mood of the scene it gave a feeling of freedom although it was not heard by the chracters.
the bill is a police drama and this is shown through out the show because of the costumes and the chracters used in the show as children are not seen onscrean it is mostly middle age peaple in uniform discusing a crime in a confrence room. the target audence for this type of show would be mainly the middle and older generation that would watch a drama for a purpose and get a message.the verbal languge used by the chracter is quite formel intense also the verbal language is more dominating a visual language is also used in this episode to show the feeling and expresion of the chracters.
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